Git Branch in Git

Git branch in git give us a lots of flexibility in our workflow. Suppose you want add some feature in your website so here what can we do we will create a branch and start working on it. Basically branches in git are simple pointer to create a specific commit. Git branch allow you to work easier to divide up your work in logically. Once you finish your work on branch now let’s merge it to master branch.

In this tutorial we will lear how to create git branch in git and and switch branch, checkout branch etc.

If you want to learn more about git you can follow my this Git Tutorial page.

Create Git Branch in Git

Here I am going to create a new branch named “dev”.

$ git branch dev

Or use this command instead of using single command we can use this below command to create and switch the branch with one single command.

$ git checkout -b dev

Branch dev create.

Switch Branch

Let’s check out to newly create branch. Run this below command:

$ git checkout dev

Now we are ready to commit our changes in this created branch.

List All Branches in Git

Execute this below command to list all the branches in git:

$ git branch
* dev

Suppose your team member create a new branch and push to the remote repository. Here if you want to fetch that all branch run this below command.

$ git fetch --all

Once you switch the branch run git checkout command.

$ git checkout other_branch

Delete Git Branches

Now let’s delete branches

Delete local branch, run these two command to delete local branch:

$ git branch -d dev
$ git branch -D dev

Delete remote git branch, run this below command to delete remote branch.

$ git push origin --delete dev


What is a git branch in Git?

Basically branches in git are simple pointer to create a specific commit. Git branch allow you to work easier to divide up your work in logically.

How can I list all my Git branches?

You can list all your git branches in git repository using “git branch” command.

How can I rename my Git branch?

Simply run “git branch -n old_branch new_branch” command to to rename your git branch.

How can I push to a brach?

First, create and checkout out your new branch using “git checkout -b branch_name” command.

Second, now push the newly created branch to the remote repository using “Git Push -u origin branch_name” command.

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Santosh Prasad

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