
How to Ignore Same Files and Folder From Awstats Reports

In this article I will show how you can ignore same files and folder from Awstats reports. Awstats consider as a page hit any entry from the log it processes but by default some file extensions are excluded from what Awstats consider as a page. Below is the default entry.

All other file types will be counted as pages. You can completely ignore some file and folder all content of a folder from awstats processing you can use SkipFiles options. By default SkipFiles options is empty. If you want to file and folder you have to edit awstats.conf file. For example I would like to ignore ignore.php then I will add this as mention below.

If you want to ignore all the pages in a folder such as myfolder you will need to user the regex value such as “REGEX[^\/myfolder]”. You can add several rules separated by spaces.

kipFiles="/ignore.php REGEX[^\/myfolder]"
This will be effective only for new updates. meaning existing data will not be affected by this.
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Santosh Prasad

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