
Install and Setup Apache Web Server in Linux

Apache Web Server is an open-source web server creation, deployment and management software. Initially developed by a group of software programmers, it is now maintained by the Apache Software Foundation.

Apache Web Server is designed to create web servers that have the ability to host one or more HTTP-based websites. Notable features include the ability to support multiple programming languages, server-side scripting, an authentication mechanism and database support. Apache Web Server can be enhanced by manipulating the code base or adding multiple extensions/add-ons.

Technically, a web server is a daemon that speaks the https(s) protocol, a text-based protocol for sending and receiving object over a network connection. The http protocol is sent over the wire in clear text, using port 80/TCP by default (though other ports can be used).

There is also a TLS/SSL encrypted version of the protocol called https that uses port 443/TCP by default.

In this article I will show how to install and setup Apache web server on Linux.

Install and Setup Apache Web Server in Linux

Follow the below steps to install and setup apache web server in Linux.

In the RHEL 7 and CentOS 7 there is a group of package called “web Server” which includes the below packages.


1. ollow the below command to install Apache Web Server only.

# yum install httpd -y

2. Install Apache Web Server from apache group packages.

# yum groupinstall "Web Server" -y

3. Start, stop and restart Apache Linux Web Server.

To start

# systemctl start httpd

To stop

# systemctl stop httpd

To restart

# systemctl restart httpd

Enable Apache web server at boot.

# systemctl enable httpd

Created symlink from /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/httpd.service to /usr/lib/systemd/system/httpd.service.

Configure Apache HTTPD Server in Linux

After installing Apache web server on your Linux system now follow the below link to configure it.

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Santosh Prasad

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