There are lots of reason for browsing the internet from command line. You might be a command line lover who wants to search everything from the Linux terminal or you might have a slow internet connection. You might want to test your websites accessibility and System Admin who generally do not have X-windows on their server that’s why they use command line browser like links and lynx etc.
In this article, lets take a look at Linux command line web browser.
Lynx Browser
- It is text based web browser.
- It is highly configurable.
- it is oldest web browser in use.
- Does not support JavaScript.
- Support SSL and many html features
- Highlight the links.
- Suitable for older hardware.
Links Browser
- It is Free and Open source.
- With a pull down menu and text or graphical web browser.
- Built in color support with horizontal scrolling.
- Lot of features supported such pop-ups, Menus, etc.
- Support JavaScript and capable of font rendering in different sizes.
Install Lynx and Links
Follow the below command to install lynx and links.
On RHEL/CentOS/Fedora systems
# yum -y install lynx # yum -y install links
On Ubuntu/Debian systems
# apt-get install lynx # apt-get install links
Lynx and Links Usage
Follow the below command to browser
# lynx

# links

For more detail about lynx and links you can refer to their man pages.
I hope this article will help to browser internet from Linux Terminal. If you have any queries and problem please comment in comment section.
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